Thursday, 30 April 2015

AS: Where do I get the marks?

The following is only for rough guidance for 2015 exam  - remember mark schemes can change each year as questions change; don't over obsess about where the marks can be picked up just get on with answering the questions as best as you can. All the information here is based on the Mark Scheme from 2014.


Multiple Choice - make sure you choose an option, many student forget to. Then to pick up the three use standard methods - define, annotate the diagram, draw a diagram, fill in empty boxes requiring simple calculations, use Knock Outs without repeating the key and remember to say the letter you are saying is wrong. "The foundation of this paper is an understanding of the price mechanism model and its limitations. Any suitable opportunity to apply the model should be taken. In order to maximise candidate performance it is possible to achieve the full 3 explanation marks even when an incorrect option is selected."

Data Response
Always try to define - even when no marks awarded it usually helps to ensure you are answering the question.
If it asks for a diagram there are usually 4 marks for an accurate diagram - otherwise try to use a diagram when possible for 2 marks.

Penny marks - remember 6EC01 paper so your are likely to be awarded with 1 mark e.g 4 marks = 1+1+1+1. Outline/Explain two reasons 6 marks =  (1+1+1) + (1+1+1)

There are 16 evaluation out of 48 marks so spot where and remember how to evaluate.

If 5-8 marks evaluate one point
If 10 marks - evaluate two points
If 12 marks worth evaluating three points.
If 14 marks and a diagram request - evaluate three points.
If 14 marks and no reference to diagram - evaluate four points.

Assess (5/6 marks) = 2+2+2e (1e id evaluative point +1e explain it and link back to question)
Assess using a diagram (8 marks) = 4+2 +2e
Examine using a diagram (10 marks) = 4+2 +2e + 2e (be critical of your diagram - time, price-elasticities, what else might change)
Discuss (12 marks) - 2+2e  2+2e   2+2e
To what extent, using a diagram (14 marks) - 4 diagram     + 2+2e    +2+2e     2+2e
(or just 2e if time smart)
Discuss (14 marks) = 2+2e    +2+2e    +2+2e    +2 = 14 marks          
(If time worth adding another evaluative point  relating to the last issue you identified +2e)


Explain 4 marks - define/explain 2 marks and use data 2 marks
Explain 6 marks - explain 2, explain more/use diagram 2, use data 2.
Explain TWO reasons/benefits..8 marks - id one issue 2 + explain it +2; id 2+ explain using data +2.

Assess impact 12 marks - bonus marks - define 2 marks, diagram 2 marks, 2 m use data, otherwise:
Id 1st impact 2m explain it 2m and evaluate it 2e
Id 2nd impact 2m explain it 2m and evaluate it 2e

PLAN to do the following but also allow yourself thinking time - how are you going to say the following in a logical and clear manner that avoids repetition, going off topic.

30 mark essay plan
introduction paragraph - 6 marks - definitions, use data, draw a diagram (2+2+2)

1st point paragraph - Id. point to be made (2 marks) + explain point using data (2 marks) = 2+2 =4

Evaluate paragraph - evaluate 1st point two times ensuring you link back to the question, if stuck use WEESTEPS or evaluate data - 2e+2e = 4e

2nd point paragraph - Identify point to be made (2 marks) + explain point (2 marks) = 2+2 =4

Evaluate paragraph - evaluate 2nd point two times ensuring you link back to the question, if stuck use WEESTEPS - 2e+2e = 4e

3rd point paragraph - Identify point to be made (2 marks) + explain point (2 marks) = 2+2 =4

Evaluate paragraph - evaluate 3rd point two times ensuring you link back to the question, if stuck use WEESTEPS - 2e+2e = 4e

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