Examiners make the following comments, but what do they mean?
K = Knowledge
D = Defined
Ap = Application, use of data
I = Issue identified, in miost essays you need to identify around 3 issues.
An = good Analysis, weak analysis is indicated by annotation such as: ?, because?, ? , may?, might, so?
EV = basic evaluation will conisder alternative views i.e. however, good Evaluation will challnges the assumptions behind the analysis as you move through your answer. In addition excellent Evaluation will offer powerful insights using the WEESTEPS approach and in conclusion will bring a new powerful insight or point in to win the case.
NR = Not relevant
BoD = Benefit of Doubt - there is something in what you are writing but lacks clear logic, BOD+ is more convincing, BoD- is less convincing.
QWC = Quality of Written communication, struggling to follow what you are saying, common with over long sentences.
NATQ/ATQ = Not Answering the Question, similar to NR
rpt = repeat, normally seen when students simply say what the diagram shows rather than using market forces in ECON 1 or explaining why AD/AS is shifting and why this is having a macro-impact; also often witnessed at the end of an essay in conclusion when the students jsut repeats all the arguments for and against and takes one side.
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