Monday, 17 December 2012

The trade deficit and AD

PAJ Holden's You Tube clips are excellent for getting to grips with A Level Economics. The following video is one of my attempts to fill a gap in PAJ's coverage:

Thursday, 13 December 2012

A2 Homework due 20 December

Q 2 b Evaluate the possible problems for the UK economy of increased government borrowing. (25 marks)

Jan 2007

Use your feedback tragets from your last 25 mark questions to shape your answer.

Monday, 10 December 2012

AS Economics UK trade deficit narrows

Using the data below assess the likely impact on the UK Economy of a narrowing in its trade deficit (12 marks)

2 marks for use of data

2 marks for use of circular flow diagram

2 marks for explaining impact of rising exports then 2 marks for evaluating this

2 marks for explaining impact of falling imports then 2 marks for evaluating this

Friday, 7 December 2012

AS Economics cover work friday 7/12

Study Powell page 226-227 Answer Q1 and 2 p227 also remember your Autumn Statement article and comment is due in next lesson

Thursday, 6 December 2012

AS resit sessions

AS Economics re-sit sessions
Due to staff meetings these have now been changed to the
following dates, all in room 1 3.15pm start:
December 10th (Xin, Nadeem, Sean), 13th (Xin, Julian, Nadeem, Michael, ),

18th (Unit 1 Public Goods, Unit 2 tbc) and 20th Unit 1 and Unit 2 Diagram tests and go over.

Monday, 3 December 2012

A2 Economics - Homework essay due 10 Dec

3 (a) Explain how fiscal policy could be used to influence aggregate demand. (15 marks)

(b) The UK government decides to bring about a significant shift in the sources of tax
revenue from direct taxes, such as income tax, to indirect taxes, such as Value Added Tax
Evaluate the potential economic consequences of such a shift in the sources of tax
revenue. 25 marks)

June 2007