Thursday, 25 October 2012

AS Economics Re-sits

Thanks to Nadeem, Xin, James, Anuzka, Julian for coming to the session today and Sean I got your apologies - but where were the rest of you?

Please do use the moodle resource for AS revision material, you can log in from home as you would log on to the School's system.

I expect all of you to complete the following exam paper in full - multiple choice and data over the holiday for the paper you are retaking:

 Jan 09 ECON 1;

Jan 09 ECON 2;

If you have had the eAQA service from me it might be worth also looking at the Summer 2012 paper  - available in the student shared area/Economics/A Level/2012 papers

Your practice responses will shape the remaining re-sit sessions every Thursday Room 1 3.15-4pm in term 2 so re-arrange part-time work and other commitments so you can come along.

AS Economics October break study

Mr Gray - ECON 2
Study macro objectives for testing when you return. use the following chapters; we will be studying the use of AS/AD diagrams when you return so only do a light read when these are mentioned. Ch 16, 17, 20, 21 and 22.

Answer the following questions:
What is a trade deficit (4 marks)
Analyse two cuases of a trade deficit (8 marks)

Mr Lawfull: ECON 1
Study supply and demand - shift and movements and use of market forces for test when you return; in addition answer these 6 mark questions:
Answer Jan 2011 Sugar Q9b

Answer Jan 2012 Beef Q9a

Thurs 25 October AS Period 1 and 2

12 EC E combined lessons - period 1 room 13
period 2 - room 11

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

A2 Economics 24 Oct

Year 13 Economics
ECON4: Produce a presentation illustrating why monetarists might believe that "unemployment is a price worth paying." Using AD (shifting in) then AS (shifting out) analysis. Study Long Run Phillips curve, Short Run Phillips curve and the natutal rate of unemployment and try to integrate them into your presentation.
ECON3: Be prepared to accurately draw the perfect competition diagram in your next lesson.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Tuesday 23 October


Period 1 12 EC Answer exam-style questions: using current data (google pink book) what is meant by a trade deficit (4 marks) Analyse two causes of a trade deficit (8 marks)

Period 3 12 Ec Using Powell study Chapter on balance of payments, be prepared to recreate basic outline of the current account and define each section in next lesson.

13EC C

ECON 3 - Study perfect competition in short run making abnormal loss/profit and movement to long run equilibrium, be prepared to present this analysis to rest of class on Thursday.

ECON 4 - Monetarism: Answer essay question:
Evaluate the likely effectiveness of monetary policy in the management of the
economy in the light of the current economic climate.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Monday 22 October

Year 13 Economics
ECON4: Produce a powerpoint presentation illustrating why monetarists might believe that "unemployment is a price worth paying." Using AD (shifting in) then AS (shifting out) analysis. Study Long Run Phillips curve, Short Run Phillips curve and the natutal rate of unemployment and try to integrate them into your presenttation.
ECON3: Be prepared to accurately draw the perfect competition diagram in your next lesson.

Year 12 Economics:
ECON 2: Study in AS Powell the Balance of Payments. Be prepared to write up the key elements of the current account and accurately define them.
ECON 1: Sudy shifts in supply and demand. Try to master using market force language of surpkuses/shortages as well as extensions/contactions.

All work is due next lesson.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

13EC C lessons

Thurs 18 Oct - Room 3 - Monetarism: MV=PT, LRPC and NAIRU.
Mon 22 Oct - Period 1 room 22, period 2 LS1 - Perfect Competition model
Tues 23 Oct - Period 4 and 5 Room 10 Monetraism complete - Past data response question
Thurs 25 oct 0 period 3 - room 9 setting of Perfect Competition essay

13EC E combine

Week 2 - please make sure that you are at the following lessons with Mr Gray:
Friday 12th October - period 3 - cover lesson, complete data plans for Econ 3 and 4 as distributed on the 10th. check with me if any problems before you write up. Keep focussed on the areas you need to improve on, from your feedback last time.

Wednesday 17th October training day, cover work for:
Mr Gray - Study Chapter 68 Anderton, Answer Questions 1-3 p477.

Mr Lawfull - Study Ch 43 Anderton Answer Questions 1, 2 and 3 p286-287 short answers.

Thursday 18 October - period 3 - room 3

Friday 19th October - period 3 - room 3, currently no lesson, cover work set for Mr Lawfull:
Study Ch 44 esp Applied Economics p296-297 Answers Questions p298.

Do keep looking back at this blogspot for updates.

A Level Economics quizzes

Difficult to find tutor2u multiple choice questions.

General economics subject knowledge quiz:

Topic based quiz - try Demand and Supply 1 for Unit 1 and Inflation for Unit 2:

Monday, 15 October 2012

AS Practice questions 15 Oct

Using the past papers link below answer:

June 09 (4 cpi calc)
Target (4)
June 10  ( index weights 4)  (target 8)
June 11 cpi basket (6)
Jan 12 (8)

Sunday, 14 October 2012

AS Edexcel Past papers for new year 12

To access past papers for Unit 1 (Mr Lawfull and Miss Read) and Unit 2 please click on the link, January papers for Unit 2 (Mr Gray) started in 2011. Click on Curriculum from 2008 then Economics:

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

AS Economics E group

Thursday 11 October

Period 1 - room 13
Period 2 - room 11

Independent study - research: The Economics of Happiness

Monday, 8 October 2012

A2 Lessons 13EC C combine

Please ensure that you are at the following lessons and that you inform me in advance if you are unable to make it:
Week day period - room

2Mon1 - 22
Econ 3 work set: Answer Q1, 2 and 3 from the following past paper on GM crops:
due in Monday 13 October

2Mon2 - LS1
Econ 4 work set: Answer Q1, 2 and 3 from the following past paper:
due in Monday 13 October

2Tue4 - 10
2Tue5 - 10
2Thur3 - 9

1Mon1 - S11
1Mon2 - 75
1Tue5 - 1
1Thur3 - 3

Monday, 1 October 2012

Economics homework 12 EC

Miss Read –Study Ch 3 complete question p33 due Wednesday 10th October.

Study Ch 4 Answer Q’s p 38 and 41

Mr Gray –Study Ch 16 Answer Q’s p183, p184, p 186 and p188.
Both due Friday 12th October.

12 ECe - combined lesson, room 11 - period 3 Tuesday 9 October - Feedback on Ch 16 Macro-objectives and test.